Getting Started
The Developer API is built using a standards based HTTPS API using JSON as the data-interchange format.
API URIsThere are two URIs for each state that developers must be aware of, the staging URI and the live URI:
Each state uses different usernames and passwords
The "staging" sites are a separate copy of system and is to be used for development purposes. Developers should not be developing their applications using the live api.
SSLDue to the sensitive information being transferred between the client and the API, all requests are required to be sent over HTTPS. Any requests made to a non-secure URI will be redirected to equivalent HTTPS URI.
KeyBefore you can start making requests to the API, you will require an API key. This key is unique to your organization/product and must be kept private. Each key is tied to a specific authentication type outlined below and in combination with an end-user token will allow you to authenticate against the API and perform requests on behalf of an end-user.
Register here to request an API Key.
JSONRequests and responses from the Developer API use the JSON data-interchange format. This requires all requests to send a content type header of application/json. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.
HTTP VerbsAll HTTP requests are made using one of four verbs (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE). Each verb has it's own meaning:
Status Code | Description |
GET | Retrieve the specified resource |
PUT | Update the specified resource |
POST | Create the specified resource |
DELETE | Delete the specified resource |
All documented endpoints specify their required HTTP verb.
ResponsesWhen the API responds to a request, it will return a HTTP status code depending on whether the response was successful or a failure. Any of the following responses can be returned:
Status Code | Description |
200 | The request was successful |
400 | Bad request, check your input parameters |
401 | Unauthorized, invalid or expired token |
403 | Forbidden, insufficient permissions |
404 | Not Found, the resource could not be found |
500 | Internal Server Error, something went wrong |
Deep LinkingThere may be cases where you want to redirect an end-user to the UI application to view or finish a form. For this purpose, you can create a user token and follow the below instructions to link into the application.
- Retrieve a user token using the Create User Session end point
- Use the table below to determine the base URI for the state you wish to deep link to:
- Using the following format BASE_URI/?token=TOKEN#PATH to generate your deep link, e.g:
- โ - deep link to the news page
- โ - deep link to the forms index
- โ - deep link to the form with the ID of 123