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Form Object Summary

idIntegerUnique ID of the form.
template_version_idIntegerUnique ID of the template version of the template the form is made from.
agency_idIntegerUnique ID of the agency the form belongs to.
user_idIntegerUnique ID of the user that created the form.
nameStringName of the form.
templateBooleanReturns true if the form is a template.
finalisedBooleanReturns true if the form is finalised.
privateBooleanReturns true if the form is private.
createdTimestampReturns Unix timestamp of when form was created.
updatedTimestampReturns Unix timestamp of when form was updated.
given_nameStringFirst name of the user who created the form.
surnameStringLast name of the user who created the form.
template_costIntegerMonetary value of the form's template in cents.
template_idIntegerUnique ID of the form's template.
template_nameStringName of the form's template.
template_codeStringThe code of the form's template.
template_instruction_pagesIntegerThe number of instruction pages the form's template contains.