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User Object

idIntegerUnique ID of the form.
agency_idIntegerUnique ID of the agency the user belongs to.
member_numberStringUnique ID of the user's agency.
realtor_numberStringRegistered land agent number.
given_nameStringFirst name of the user.
surnameStringLast name of the user.
emailStringEmail address of the user.
mobileStringMobile number of the user.
principalBooleanReturns true if user is principal.
default_privateBooleanReturns true if forms created by user are private by default.
activeBooleanReturns true if the user is active.
deletedBooleanReturns true if the user is deleted.
createdTimestampReturns Unix timestamp of when user was created.
updatedTimestampReturns Unix timestamp of when user was last updated.