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Executed Forms

Description: To store the executed/signed version of a form that has been executed outside of Forms Live a HTTP POST request is made to the URL with the form ID and session token.

Method: POST


URI Parameters:

  • description: A description of the version being stored e.g. "Executed Contract".
  • data: A base64 encoded PDF file.
  • values: Any additional values collected during the execution of the form, in JSON format.

Headers: Authorization: Third party based authorization header


idIntegerUnique ID of the stored version.
form_idIntegerUnique ID of the form.
third_party_idIntegerUnique ID of the integrator that created the version.
sourceStringName of the integrator that created the version.
descriptionStringA description of the stored version.
createdTimestampUnix timestamp of when the version was created.


curl \
--request POST \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Basic YTlkOWIwYItNGY4Yi1hYTQxLTI5NzZmMTcyZmEyMQ==" \
--data '{
"description":"Executed Contract",
"data": "...",
"values": { "name": "John Doe" }
id: 2,
form_id: 1,
third_party_id: 3,
source: 'Testing Integrator',
description: 'Executed Contract',
s3key: 'files/1/abcdefgh-1234-abcd-1234-abcdefghijkl',
created: '2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
oauth_provider_id: null,
values: null,